Tuesday, March 20, 2012

moving up

Well, let me just tell you this; there are two things I'm quite sure of.  Numero uno - I am not a good blogger. And B - fixing up a "fixer upper" is a lot more challenging than I thought it would be.  Lucky for the Hansen fam we have amazing family and friends to help us along in this endeavor.

A few months ago Brandon and I started feeling extra sick of apartment living, I'm actually quite sure we had a wild pack of dogs living in the apartment above us.  Although we had about 6 months left on our lease, we had to see what was out there.  Well, we have this super amazing friend Michelle who is a real estate agent.  I was just checking out her website and found an amazing and I mean AMAZING deal on a house that is close to where we still live.  I called Michelle and we went to look.  Now, this house really needed some work, but I thought "Hey, Brandon has already done this once.  I'm sure he'd love to do it again!"  To make a long story short, we bought the house and it is awesome.  The 'B' word graffitied on the brick fireplace is even starting to grow on me.


  1. Love it. It's so light with all the windows. Can't wait to see it. Sounds like you guys have done some awesome work.
    I'm glad you are doing this blog because I'm starting up my blog again so far away family can keep up on the baby...and I'm a terrible blogger. You inspire me because yours is simple...I get so overwhelmed with all the cool blog features I don't know how to use...ie Michelle's blog ;)

  2. Ha Ha. I love the B word...on your fireplace that is. Congratulations!
